Programmes of Study: Ages 5-7

  Click on the icons for the Topic-related Questions and Learning Objectives for each Big Idea

SUBJECT CONTENT in the Programme of Study Ages 5-7

Pupils should be taught about:

BI 1: Continuity, Change and Diversity

  • distinctive things that are very important to people and may be called  ‘precious’, ‘sacred’ or ‘holy’
  • the names of religions / worldviews represented in the school, locality and elsewhere in the UK
  • people belonging to the same religion / worldview sometimes having different ‘holy’ or important things and expressing their religion / worldview in different ways.
three trees with different leaves

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BI 2: Words and Beyond

  • how to interpret words and symbols in order to find out what they mean to different people.
speech bubble and thought bubble

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BI3: A Good Life

  • the lives of exemplary people as examples of the qualities and characteristics that members of religions / worldviews might try to achieve
  • the teaching of religions / worldviews about specific actions that are right and wrong and about good and bad attitudes.
three trees with different leaves

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BI 4: Making Sense of Life’s Experiences

  • experiences that make people wonder at the world and ask big questions about life
  • stories of people’s experiences and encounters that have changed the way they live their lives.
three trees with different leaves

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BI 5: Influence and Power

  • the influence of religions / worldviews on themselves, their family, their school and their communities
  • how religions / worldviews do not influence everyone’s life in the same way.
a fist a hand and an open palm

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BI6: The Big Picture

  • stories or accounts from religions / worldviews that help people understand more about the world and human life
  • well-known stories or accounts that are well-known as they have been handed down over generations.
person with sun mon and stars around them

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[Source: BIIP2022, pp.21-26]

To see programmes of study for individual key stages, click on one of the buttons below.

three trees with different leaves

1. Continuity, Change and Diversity

(within and across traditions, through time and places)

speech bubble and thought bubble

2. Words and Beyond

(expression/interpretation through texts and creative arts)

a maze

3. A Good Life

(being a good person, living a good life, ethics)

person with sun beaming on them

4. Making Sense of Life’s Experiences

(life experience, religious experience, ritual)

a fist a hand and an open palm

5. Influence and Power

(social, cultural, political influences and interactions)

person with sun mon and stars around them

6. The Big Picture

(overall account of life/ universe / everything)